Taking Organizations to a Level of Performance They Never Dreamed Possible

roxanne emmerich

New York Times best-selling author Roxanne Emmerich® is Founder and CEO of The Emmerich Group®, the leading business transformation firm that helps companies get results beyond what they ever dreamed possible.

Based on Roxanne’s experience as a three-time Entrepreneur of the Year recipient, The Emmerich Group helps companies achieve these solutions:

  • Increase the speed to the stated profit and growth goals by 50%
  • Bring the one out of three dollars currently lost due to employee disengagement (average according to Gallup) back to the bottom line within three months
  • Double service scores within 60 days and high-profit accounts within one year

Roxanne is America’s most sought-after workplace transformation expert. She is listed by Sales and Marketing Management magazine as one of the 12 most requested speakers in the country for her ability to transform negative workplace performance and environments into “bring it on” results-oriented cultures.

Roxanne's Experience

Roxanne has spoken to and consulted with the leadership of many of the largest and most respected companies in the world, including Verizon, Merck, and Lockheed, but is best known in banking, having worked with half of the top 1 percent performers.

She is the author of Thank God It’s Monday! ®: How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love, Profit-Growth Banking, commonly referred to as the bible of high-performance banking, and Profit-Rich Sales. Her latest book, Breakthrough Banking Blueprint, was released in 2020. She is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Extraordinary Banker® magazine.

Successful Meetings magazine listed Roxanne as one of the top 12 most in-demand speakers in the country. She has been featured in publications ranging from the Wall Street Journal to Woman’s Day magazine and is frequently interviewed on CNN, FOX, CBS, and radio and TV stations throughout the country.

Recipient of the 2010 NSA “Philanthropist of the Year” Award, she is also the founder of Permission to Be Extraordinary® Summit, an unprecedented and exclusive CEO executive breakthrough program referred to as a “miracle transformation” that helps leaders eliminate the head trash that keeps them from their next level of performance.

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roxanne emmerich books
  • Founder, CEO and President of Emmerich Financial, the leading culture transformation consulting firm for community banks
  • Founder and co-owner of two bank holding companies
  • Developer of the Permission to Be Extraordinary® Summit for high-performing CEOs and top execs
  • Starting one of the fastest-to-profit community banks in the country
  • Singled out as the 2003 University of Wisconsin Distinguished Alumna
  • Developer of the most popular seminar for high performing bankers, Marketing and Sales Management Boot Camp™, attended by thousands of bank executives-with 99 percent saying they’d recommend to a friend!
  • Editor-In-Chief of Extraordinary Banker® magazine, circulated to 25,000 financial industry executives

Roxanne Emmerich: More Than a Speaker

For nearly 30 years, Roxanne has shaped the thinking and the results of The Best Banks in America™.

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The Emmerich Group, Inc.

Over the last 25 years, The Emmerich Group, led by CEO and President Roxanne Emmerich, has worked with more than 300 banks and thousands of bank executives to give them the tools to achieve consistent, predictable, short-term and lasting, long-term results—expansion of net interest margin, safe, profitable loan growth, multiplied cross-sales, dramatic increases in core deposit mix and fast, dramatic changes in culture resulting in happier more productive more profitable employees and customers that rave about “their bank.”

In short, the Emmerich Group is a “rapid response team” with the mission of saving community banking by taking banks to a level of performance they never dreamed possible and, repelling the attackers, restoring their fortress walls and showing them the secret systems of the top 5 percent community banks in America.

extraordinary banking

Extraordinary Banking

Are you open to new approaches to reaching your goals?

If not, there’s not much hope of this year being any different from the last one… or the one before that…or the one before that.

Roxanne is Founder and Chair of the Extraordinary Banker and editor of Extraordinary Banker® magazine. She founded the Institute for Extraordinary Banking—the home of the “Banky” ® award. Roxanne is intent on the best banks in America being recognized, showing that they’re fully dedicated to their communities. The Banky Awards and Extraordinary Banker Magazine are designed to take banks from where they are to where they never dreamed was possible.

thank god its monday
thank god it's monday

Thank God It's Monday®

Is everyone in your company more excited to go home on Friday afternoon than to show up on Monday morning? Do you set goals for growth but never seem to hit them? Do you feel like your employees’ limited beliefs about what is possible sometimes keep the entire company from moving ahead?

Good news – it doesn’t have to be that way.
Better news – you don’t need to fire everyone and start over to make change.

You can see profound, transformative change in a very short time. Our Thank God It’s Monday® clients see it all the time. As a New York Times bestselling author of Thank God It’s Monday: How To Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love and founder of TGIM-U®, Roxanne shows executives how to produce better results with less stress by rapidly improving the leading predictor of future growth and profitability: an on-fire performance culture. TGIM puts the FUN back in business, and there’s nothing more fun than high performance!

It’s all possible…

TEG has been great for us, especially with helping us understand that it’s all about value building relationships with each other and our customers. It’s important for us all, regardless of our role, to become experts, and we all have a commitment to our customers. Banking can be fun! Don’t be on the fence – it’s a no-brainer to attend this. Once you make your customers happy, your sales will increase and there will be huge opportunities for your bank.

J. Moss
Farmers State Bank
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The GYB ezine offers proven strategies to help your bank succeed through leadership, organization, and an enhanced workplace culture that leads to improved performance.

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The TGIM ezine provides important tips for enjoying your job and your life more by boosting your mentality and helping you foster a positive, upbeat outlook in the face of challenges.

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